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远离H7N9 健康生活 原文/闵杰辉 译文审校/马芳杰医师

此篇文章是资深新闻主播闵杰辉(Jeffrey Mindich)先生在H7N9病况越来越猖獗的情况下提出来的呼吁,特别提供给寂光寺网站发表,现将英文原文及经马芳杰医师审校后之中文翻译刊出,以供大家参考。








把我们的身心准备到抵抗病毒的最佳状态,是抵抗流感侵袭最好的方法。也请选择新鲜蔬果、全谷类、豆类、坚果类组成的植物性饮食,富含有助于健康的营养素及抗氧化分子。广获国际肯定且具有开创意义的【救命饮食】(The China Study)一书中也提到,植物性饮食是最有效避免许多现代疾病包括癌症、糖尿病、心脏病等的饮食习惯。同时配合适量的运动、吐纳新鲜空气、充足睡眠,必要时补充适量的多种维生素及矿物质。以静坐冥想、祷告或你所信仰的宗教方式找回心灵的宁静,消除压力。如此,在禽流感风暴中,我们更有希望可以健康自在的生活。

Staying Healthy Despite H7N9 by Jeffrey Mindich

Many experts believe that a global avian flu pandemic isn’t a question of if, but when. Also, China has frequently been cited as a place such a pandemic could likely start. This concern is not unfounded. China at any given time has an estimated average stock of live chickens raised for food of about 5 billion, or more than 350% greater than the country’s total population! Not only is that the highest total number in the world, but also doesn’t even include other fowl raised in China, including ducks, geese, pigeons, etc. China’s poultry industry is highly polluting, and provides the perfect hotbed for the start of avian flu. Many smaller family operations see chickens and their breeders living under the same roof in very close proximity. This is the ideal environment for a virus to move from fowl to people, and mutate in a way that becomes both deadly to humans and more easily transmittable. Health experts are especially concerned at this point, because the H7N9 variety of bird flu has never infected humans before and is proving extremely severe for those who have fallen ill. While there is no certainty at this point that it will evolve into a full-blown pandemic, the possibility is certainly there.

The obvious question this public health crisis presents is what can be done to protect ones self if a pandemic were to break out? Common wisdom suggests frequent hand washing and the avoidance of public places. This is certainly good basic advice, but it’s not enough. Many conventional health experts say there is no danger in eating poultry and eggs if cooked over a certain temperature. Whether this is accurate or not ignores the more important and basic issue – the reason we are facing a health crisis of avian flu is because of dietary habits that stress reliance on animal proteins, in this case, specifically poultry. If people weren’t eating chicken, there wouldn’t be a need for such intensive poultry farming, which gives rise to the potential for an avian flu pandemic. In 2009, the world saw a pandemic of H1N1, or swine flu. And, while mad cow disease may not be a contagious disease, it is another example of sickness due to our reliance on animal food. It’s unlikely that the world will ever need to face a pandemic of “carrot flu,” or an outbreak of “mad tofu disease.”

There are also many hidden dangers associated with the animal raising industry that are not immediately apparent, but could have profound impact on our long-term health. According to some estimates, about 70% of the antibiotics in the U.S. are used by the meat raising industries. Just this month (April 2013), data collected as part of a program by three major U.S. government agencies (FDA, CDC, and USDA) found more than half of ground meat samples, including poultry, pork, and beef, collected from U.S. supermarkets contained antibiotic resistant bacteria, or so-called “superbugs.” Our extensive factory farming of animals in unnatural and unhygienic conditions is not only exacting a serious environmental toll, but is also spurring the growth of viruses and bacteria that will ultimately prove difficult for us to cope with. The answer isn’t more advanced science and medical knowledge, or even stronger antibiotics to deal with these threats, but rather more and more people abandoning an animal-based diet in favor of a plant-based one. As the saying goes, “if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.”

Certainly, the adoption of a plant-based diet can help alleviate the long-term issues of deadly viruses and bacteria caused by intensive animal breeding. However, with a possible pandemic looming on the horizon, what about the value of a plant-based diet in the short-term to help prevent catching avian flu? The fact is that even without avian flu, our environment is literally awash with an untold number of germs, any number of which can make us sick at any time. We must rely on the strength of our immune system to ward off these germs and keep us healthy. When that doesn’t happen, such as people who have immunodeficiency disorders, serious illness can become a regular part of life. However, even for people who don’t have immunodeficiency disorders, their immune systems can be compromised by a number of different things, making it easier for them to get sick. One thing very key to a healthy immune system is a healthy gut, or intestinal flora. And one of the greatest nemeses of healthy intestinal flora is antibiotics, which destroys the good bacteria that keeps our gut healthy. It is quite common for people who have been treated with a course of antibiotics to experience intestinal discomfort. This also affects the functioning of our immune system. So, for those who are eating meat treated with antibiotics, and almost all commercially farmed meat is, the residues from those antibiotics are accumulating in the body, with a long-term effect on the intestinal flora as if the person had taken antibiotics themselves. In this way we are unwittingly destroying our first and most important line of defense against germs, including avian flu. Without the defenses of the immune system, the flu virus is able to go directly and attach to our cells receptors, entering the cells, and making us sick. For those who have eaten an animal-based diet for many years, when switching over to a plant-based diet, a good quality probiotic may also be needed to help to re-establish healthy intestinal flora.

Also a bane to our immune systems is stress, both physical and emotional. In addition to antibiotics, there are numerous contaminants, environmental and otherwise, in animal food. For example, it has been proven that much of the seafood sold at market is contaminated with heavy metals. Our body must use large amounts of its energy and resources to eliminate these contaminants, or toxins as they are sometimes referred to. This stresses the system and lowers the functioning of our immune system. This stress response also applies to processed foods that contain chemicals such as preservatives and coloring, as well as artificial sweeteners and genetically modified ingredients. A diet of organically grown plant foods not only relieves that stress on our system, but also contributes important nutrients and antioxidants that support our immune system. Other ways to combat physical stress and boost our immune system function include moderate exercise and deep breathing, preferably somewhere where the air is clean, as well as sufficient and regular sleep. Also, for those who may have previously eaten a nutritionally deficient diet high in animal foods, a natural food-based multivitamin may be helpful in the short-term.

Regarding stress, it’s now widely accepted in the medical community that emotional and mental stress can be as devastating to the health of the immune system as physical stress, perhaps even more so. If there were to be a pandemic, to sit around stressing and worrying while watching sensational media reports about its spread would be counterproductive. As the Dalai Lama noted, life is like an ocean; there may be tempestuous waves on the surface, but there is calm to be found underneath. For the sake of a healthy immune system that can protect our body, we need to connect to that calmness that is below the surface. That can be achieved by non-sectarian meditation, or thru prayer and quiet contemplation if one has a religious affiliation.

In conclusion, the best way to prepare for a possible pandemic is to put your body and mind in the best possible state to resist the virus. To do this, eat a plant-based diet composed of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds, and nuts; which are high in nutrients and antioxidants. And, incidentally, as shown in the internationally acclaimed and groundbreaking work “The China Study,” this type of diet can also be key in preventing many modern diseases including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Also get moderate exercise, fresh air, sufficient sleep, and take a multivitamin and probiotics if necessary. And consider meditation, prayer, or quiet contemplation to maintain a calm disposition and peace of mind, in order to banish stress. With these simple steps, one stands a better chance of riding out the storm if there is a pandemic.